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45 Downing Street
45 Downing Street
Not yet rated.
45 Downng Street
NEW YORK, NY  10014
Phone: 917 548-6700

Neighborhood: Greenwich Village
Crossstreet: Bedfor/Varick
Nearest Subway Stop: West 4 (A,B,S,D,E,F,


45 Downing is a loft townhouse with 2500 square ft, double height ceiling, stained glass and statuary accents create a magical atmosphere. Nearby is the smaller Garden Room with art, its own antique bathroom, posh furnishings, fireplace, and garden. Easy access with curb cut parking and freight elevator. Private home.

Sales Contact: Lore, Cynthia or Keiara
New Accounts Contact: Lore, Cynthia or Keiara
Accounting Contact: Lore
Hours: Flexible