
250 West 57th Street, 2029
New York, NY 10107
Phone: (212) 246-t208
Neighborhood: Columbus Circle
Crossstreet: 57th & Broadway

250 West 57th Street, 2029
New York, NY 10107
Phone: (212) 246-t208
Neighborhood: Columbus Circle
Crossstreet: 57th & Broadway
HD Experience, Strong On Site Sound Recording and Mastering and Theatrical Lighting Design, Retail and Special Effects Capablity. This is are commercial company but we also produce orginal content
Clients include: Hugo Boss, Kevin John,Ales, The Point, The Museum of Water, 3D, and 2D animation and illustration production also.
Sales Contact: Fred Sullivan
New Accounts Contact: Ricardo Smith-Hoffman
Accounting Contact: Amy Hass
Hours: All