Guardian Entertainment, Ltd.

71 5th Avenue, 5th Floor
New York, NY 10003
Phone: (212) 727-4729
Crossstreet: 15th
Nearest Subway Stop: Union Square

71 5th Avenue, 5th Floor
New York, NY 10003
Phone: (212) 727-4729
Crossstreet: 15th
Nearest Subway Stop: Union Square
Largest HDCAM/F900/XPRI Production and Post Facility, yes, we do outside work! Commercials, Infomercials, Shorts, Music Videos, Concerts, etc. DVD and Blue-Ray Authoring and Mastering. Standard Definition DVD too! ALL IN HD ONLY!!
Clients include: Dow Jones, Many Music Labels, Pharmaceutical Companies, Ad AGencies, etc.
Sales Contact: Richard Miller
Hours: 24/7