Impossible Casting

122 West 26th Street, 11th floor
New York, NY 10001
Phone: (212) 255-3029
Fax: (212) 255-3132
Neighborhood: Midtown
Crossstreet: 26th
Nearest Subway Stop: 23rd

122 West 26th Street, 11th floor
New York, NY 10001
Phone: (212) 255-3029
Fax: (212) 255-3132
Neighborhood: Midtown
Crossstreet: 26th
Nearest Subway Stop: 23rd
Elite Casting Sevices from NY's Best. Cost effective, selective and they get the job done. Music Videos Films, Commercials.
Clients include: Sony, Deamworks, Disney, HBO, Budwieser, Mercedes, Burger King.
Sales Contact: Craig Lechner