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West End Media, Inc.
Not yet rated.
68 Forest Street
Montclair, NJ  07042
Phone: (973) 746-6400
Fax: (973) 746-6464

Neighborhood: Montclair
Crossstreet: Grove St
Nearest Subway Stop: Walnut Train Station


Full Beta SP/HD Production, films, commercials, corporate identity, animation, DVD, CD-ROM creation, duplication, packaging.Scripting,design & development.

Clients include: MTV Networks, VH1, YES Network, OrthoMcNeil, Johnson&Johnson, Sprint, AT&T, TrimSpa, Ralley Motors, Carlyle&Co., Newark Academy, Queens Hospital,Mercedes Benz, many corporate clients.

Sales Contact: Ron Voorhees
New Accounts Contact: Ron Voorhees
Accounting Contact: Doris Sidney
Federal ID Number: 22-3737381
Hours: 9-5 monday-Friday